Just thought I would compose a quick message to introduce myself before we get down to business - my name is James, and I am the newest addition to the team of contributors for this rather delightful blog.
First of all, I'd like to doff my cap in the general direction of the man they call sHack; it's a great honour to be involved with this project, given that buying Elite Force records all those hazy years ago was one of the main reasons I decided that I wanted to be a DJ.
The main thrust of my posts will be to give exposure to producers or DJs that I feel are twisting the tech funk sound into interesting new shapes; also musings on the shifting sands of the music 'industry', links to studio resources, pretty much anything that will help you, the reader, to navigate the billowing clouds of hype that surround music today.
So - if you would like to submit anything for consideration or review, please email me at:
jamesalexanderfox |at|
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