Friday, 6 May 2011

Meat Katie - Bizarre is Beautiful (The Omega Men's Macabre Remix) FREE DOWNLOAD

Techno deviants, The Omega Men, come up trumps again with a remix of Meat Katie's recent growler, Bizarre is Beautiful. They go deep and even darker on this effort. Warm, throbbing bass surrounded by screaming, rising synths and glitched out beats & samples. If you like it, feel free to download it and share to your heart's content.

Meat Katie - Bizarre Is Beautiful (The Omega Men's Macabre Remix) FREE D/L by The Omega Men


Flexo-Sleeves said...

Yeah, like our Meat Katie!! :D HD-Flexo rocks!

Online Ged said...

Great blog and post, keep it up i will be subscribing to your feed!

Danmark said...

I absolutely love this CD! My favorite track is And Winter Came. Next would be Trains and Winter Rains. The others are phenomenal as well. An earlier post stated this CD has a feel of cynical commercialism. If you go to her web site and listen to her explanation of this CD she states she wanted to do a more modern take on Christmas carols. Now days unfortunately commercialism at Christmas time is just about every where you turn. The only grievance I have with this CD is I miss when in her earlier work she would blend her native Celtic tongue with English and this CD is predominately English. Other than that I would definitely call this CD a winner!